2455 29th Street, Suite A-2
Kentwood, MI 49512




What is fascial stretching?

It is a pain-free assisted stretching that uses constant circulatory, gentle oscillating movements of traction and stabilization to decompress joints and expand space in the soft tissues. It utilizes the concept that we are 4-D creatures and muscle is not stretched in isolation alone. You will be able to lie on the massage table and relax while Robyn does the work! 🙂 There will be short periods of contract/relax to achieve the best range of motion possible. Robyn has been certified as a fascial stretch practitioner through the Stretch to Win Institute.

Benefits of fascial stretching:

  • Improves the blood flow to tire muscles
  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Helps improve flexibility and range of motion around the joints
  • Helps to improve posture
  • Helps to recover faster from activity with less soreness
  • It can aid in athletic performance by allowing more movement flexibility around the joints
  • Overall feeling of better movement throughout your day

One hour fascial stretch session (may include other body work such as specific massage, mobilization, physical therapy throughout the session as needed; client specific). $109/hr; packages available


  • 1 hr. $109
  • 4 sessions: $415
  • 8 sessions: $785

*sessions to be used in approx. 60 days*